MedReps, January 22, 2018 —
When you’re already employed, “job search” is almost a dirty word. You try to keep your search secret because you’re worried about what might happen. What if your current boss finds out? What if potential employers find your blatant searching unprofessional?
But the truth is, many medical sales representatives are looking for a new job. In our latest Best Places to Work report, we found that any given time, 53 percent of industry employees are looking for a new opportunity.

If job searching is such a prominent part of medical sales, why does everyone feel like they need to keep quiet about it? In reality, there are people you should talk to when you’re considering looking for another job. By keeping them in the loop, your search will go quicker and be more successful.
Here’s who to tell that you’re looking for a new job:
1. Your manager
If you have a good relationship with your manager, there’s no reason you shouldn’t let them know you’re thinking about leaving. A great manager understands that sometimes your career path takes you in a different direction. As long as you’re professional when you explain what’s going on, everything will be fine.
In fact, having this discussion can let your manager know what needs aren’t being met. If they would like to keep you around, this is their chance to meet those needs.
For example, say you love your current company, but feel as though there are no career advancement opportunities. By talking with your manager, they can let you know what new responsibilities they could offer you. It might not be a full promotion, but the extra challenge could be all you need to stay with the organization and avoid a long job search.
Here are some things to consider when talking to your manager about your job search:
- Be gracious. Chances are, your manager has helped you out a great deal during your tenure and you should thank them for that.
- Focus on realistic goals. If you’re thinking of leaving your company because it has a toxic environment, you can’t expect one conversation to fix that. However, your manager does deserve to know the culture is pushing talent away.
- Avoid ultimatums. This conversation is a chance to see if there are opportunities you didn’t know about. Going to your manager and saying you want a 10 percent pay increase or you’re walking, won’t end well.
2. Your friends
Think back to the types of conversations you’ve had with your friends. How often has one of them randomly said, “There’s an open sales rep position at my company.”? Chances are, not many. If you don’t let your friends and families know you’re looking for a new job, they’ll assume you’re perfectly happy.
In reality, getting a friend to recommend you for a job is one of the best ways to get hired. In fact, a 2016 SilkRoad report found that 22 percent of hires started out as employee referrals. This made referrals the most successful job search method.
As soon as you’re sure you don’t want to stay with your current company, let your friends, family, and previous co-workers know. Then they can keep an eye out for anything that might work for you. Having multiple people looking will make the job search less stressful and up your chances of success.
3. Your social network…the right one
Social media is a great way to spread news about your life. But not all social media networks are the same. You want to make your announcement on a site where it’s more likely to be seen by employers and recruiters.
In most cases, LinkedIn is the place to post that you’re looking for a new job. Update your bio so it is clear what type of work you are looking for, as well as what your experience is. Use keywords that employers in the medical sales industry would use to search for talent. If you’re unsure what those words or phrases might be, check out the job listings of companies you might be interested in. Then update your profile so it uses the same type of language.
Also, reach out to your LinkedIn network and ask them to endorse your skills. Send your contacts personalized inMail messages and see if they’ll do that small favor. But remember to pay them back by endorsing their skills as well.