Compiled by the MGV Staff

NewsSites WorldGovernments RightsGroups FaithGroups AidAgencies

News Sites

United Nations News Center Up to date news and information on Darfur from the UN News Center. University of Pennsylvania-based news source on Darfur
Coalition For Darfur A Darfur Web Blog

World Government Organizations

African Union The AU is a major player in peace-keeping efforts in Darfur and has a page on Darfur
European Union The view from the EU
NATO See what NATO is doing about the Darfur situation

Rights & Advocacy Groups

Africa Action Africa Action is an international organization that works for political, economic and social justice in Africa.
Amnesty International Amnesty International has a page on Sudan and Darfur
The Holocaust Museum The Holocaust Museum has taken up the call to save the people of Darfur
Human Rights Watch Human Rights Watch This group calls the Darfur situation the “crime of our new century”
International Crisis Group The International Crisis Group has content on Darfur

Faith Based Groups Interfaith group membership
Islam Online Here is what some Muslims have to say on Darfur

Government & Aid Agencies

US State Department A State Department Webpage on Sudan with Darfur content
USAID Darfur information from the United States Agency for International Development is committed to presenting diverse points of view. However, the viewpoint expressed in this article is the opinion of the author and is not necessarily the viewpoint of the owners or employees at IMD.