Mic partnered up with Keys and her We Are The Movement organization for this recreation of its previous “23 Everyday Actions” video.

By Sameer Rao

ColorLines, July 13, 2016 —

We shared Mic’s disarming “23 Everyday Actions Punishable by Death if You’re Black in America” video last week. Today (July 13), Mic released a new video featuring the likes of Beyoncé, Chance the Rapper and Alicia Keys reciting many of those actions.

The original video adapated Mic writer Jamilah King’s piece listing ordinary behaviors that, when conducted by Black people, compelled police officers and others living under the influence of racist social structures to kill. As King explains in an article accompanying the new video, Keys organized more than 20 prominent Black celebrities and entertainers though her We Are Here Movement organization to speak out on the importance of Black lives. The entertainers somberly describe those behaviors in stark black-and-white video.


Watch “23 Ways You Could Be Killed If You Are Black in America” above.